VANISH Magazine October/November 2013 – Hal Myers North Korea Visit eBook DOWNLOAD


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Issue 10:

From the Editor by Paul Romhany
News by Nick Lewin
The Smile Eternal - John Calvert - A True Giant Passes by Ben Robinson
From the Desk of Keith Fields - The Business Isn't What it Used to Be
R&D by Bizzaro
Cybergician Belongs to You by Aaron Smith
Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde
Tannens Magic Camp by Alexander Boyce
First Ever Unofficial Magic Gathering in DPKR by Hal Meyers 
The Legend of Cardini Lives On by Steve Spill
Ray Anderson and 'Esther's Follies' by Nick Lewin
Mentalism: An Adventure in Mysticism by P. Craig Browning
The Four Stages of Learning by Mick Peck
Imaginary Circumstance by Joey Pipia
Jeff McBride's Magic and Mystery School - Something Gained, Something Lost by Eugene Burger
On Location at by Aaron Smith
Questions With Charlotte Pendragon From Full Circle Magic
The Success Series - Magic and Music by Cris Johnson
Desperate Acts of Magic by Nick Lewin
Bachstage - Giving and Taking Criticism by Charles Bach
What 10 Years in Retail Taught Me About Show Business by Peter Mennie
Child's Play - Performing a Magic Show for Free by Tony Chris
Nickle Van Wormer Presents Brick and Mortar Shops
The Travel of Two Signed Cards by Rey Ben and Quique Marduk 
Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler
221 by Danny Archer
As High as a Kite by John Carey
Two-Way Prediction Pad by Wayne Rogers 
My Psychic Travel Agent by Richard Webster 
Instant Photography by Wolfgang Riebe
Tech Talk by Carl Andrews
Eric Olson a Wizard of Show and Business by TC Tahoe
A Burton Babe the Magic Assistant by Gwyn Auger
Will Perform for Food by Leif David
Vision a Visual Spectacle by Fred Hann
Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany and Friends
Fight for Your Show Every Time - Rantings of a Comedy Magician by Chipper Lowell


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