Paul Romhany started VANISH in 2011 and is considered the most cutting-edge magazine for magicians in the world. Each issue contains magic tricks, reviews, essays, feature stories and more.
110 pages
Black Lives Matter is our feature story with stories on how this movement affects them, including Kevin Bathea, Eric Jones, Darryl V. Harris, Ice McDonald, Kid Ace, Marcus Eddie, Michael Vincent, and Tess Evason.
A Squib In the World by Felicity Fields
Product Highlight - Cube Smith by Benke Smith
Peek Smith review
Feature artists are A Brit of Magic Keith Fields and lady Sarah
Julius Frack lets us in the behind the scenes for his drive-in theatre shows during Covid.
Zoom Shows - NO need to spend too much money by Jay Mattolio
Paul Fidler - The Pyro Master
Masters Of Illusion TV show - a look behind the scenes, Gay Blackstone answers questions about the show.
Surfing the Magic Wave by Nick Lewin - a look at sceances with John Ferrinento
Vanish 5000 - Trick - Gregory Wilson
Product Highlight - Split Focus by Greg Wilson
No Load Cup and Dice - Trick - by Louie Foxx
The Carlyle Transposition Plus - Trick - by Kelvin Ng
Magic Is Education by Jeff Christensen
Magical Wisdom - Focus on Abigail McBride
Steve Chezaday - The Rockstar
Reviews - Fragment by Abstract Effects, Debut by Abstract Effects, Get Nyman by Andy Nyman, Perrier with A Twist by Kevin James, Totally Free Will by Mark Chandaue, Mail Mail by Vanishing Inc, Distilled by Ryan Plunkett, Hands Free by Mario Tarasini, Machinations by Ben Harris
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