Equado by Mohamed Ibrahim video DOWNLOAD


SKU: dvequado Category:

A spectators freely chosen card is found by an impossible coincidence!

Imagine this...

A participant grabs his deck of cards, shuffles it and chooses any number of cards (let's say 20), he takes out the 20 cards he wants from anywhere in the deck. He also chooses an extra card to be a prediction from the remaining cards. (let's say it is the seven of Clubs)

He chooses any card from the 20 cards and then puts it back into the deck and shuffles one last time. Now when he reveals the prediction card which is seven, he deals the 20 cards one by one, and the seventh card will be his selection!

Completely impromptu
Self working
No gimmicks
Can be done to more than a participant
Can be done over a video call or Zoom meeting

Effect 2:

A participant cuts the deck without knowing the total of the cards he cut. The cards are shuffled and a card chosen and memorized. The deck is then shuffled again.

You go through the pack one by one and somehow you will know the card every single time!

you never touch the pack until he finishes
you can perform this effect, blindfolded.

You will also learn a bonus method with special decks.

Instructional video + pdf file
Very cool additional ideas

I am sure you will get some blown minds after performing this miracle!

From the mind of Mohamed Ibrahim Gado.

Download today and enjoy!


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