
Anglo ESP Deck (black) – by El Duco – Trick

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $18.40.


This is ESP Deck with Anglo backs in white on black design, printed by Offason of Sweden. The cards are the same high quality as Anglo Poker Ed09.

An ESP Deck consists of 25 symbol cards, originally designed by Dr. Joseph Rhine 1927 to test Extra Sensory Perception at Duke University. ESP Deck, Anglo contains:

  • 25 ESP cards (5 of each: circle, cross, wavy lines, square, star)
  • 25 ESP cards (5 of each: circle, cross, wavy lines, square, star), secretly marked on their backs
  • 4 double faced cards(force card: circle).

Probably the best ESP Deck in the world...


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