Telepathy in Action by Orville Meyer eBook DOWNLOAD


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ONCE IN A LIFETIME... do you find an idea so startling... so different! IMAGINE! An Act... with no props Nothing to carry No stooges or confederates No advance preparation No special skills Little or nothing to memorize YET... you can keep the largest audience spellbound... shrieking with laughter... shaking their heads in amazement... at your incredible feats of mental telepathy. You will get more laughs than a comedian, yet it is a semi-serious, dignified presentation! Telepathy in Action is different. Never before described. Based on a principle not yet applied in the entertainment field, until NOW! No magical skills or principles involved. Only one real requirement for the performer: assurance, gained through experience in appearing before groups. The act is best presented by an older person. It is a complete 45-60-minute act in itself; not recommended as part of any other kind of act, including magic. It will, however, work well with any other acts in a long show. Opens up a complete new field of entertainment, and YOU can be part of it!


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